I've kept your image guarded in my heart, dear
I've kept my love for you, as pure as dew
I'm longing for the time when I shall come, dear
Back to that dear, old western home and you
I fancy it is springtime in the mountains
The maple leaves in first sky-green appear
I hear you softly say, my queen of Maytime
"This springtime you have come to meet me here"
I've kept my love for you, as pure as dew
I'm longing for the time when I shall come, dear
Back to that dear, old western home and you
I fancy it is springtime in the mountains
The maple leaves in first sky-green appear
I hear you softly say, my queen of Maytime
"This springtime you have come to meet me here"
Robert Sauer/Mary Hale Woolsey
Springtime in Montana is a flirt, a cheat, a sneak. It is my least favorite season, and so far this year is proving no exception to the way the season plays with our minds. We've had some warm, sunny days similar to the one that led to my post where I confessed my love affair with convertibles. We've had some snow. But most of the time are days like today, cold, dreary, spitting rain--but not enough to actually water the lawn, in short the kind of day that just deepens one's depression. I don't really like Springtime in the Rockies.
I've known the title of the song as long as I can remember, but I can't actually recall ever hearing anyone sing it. Doing a Google search to find the lyrics, I note that everyone and his brother has recorded a version of the song, but somehow I've managed to avoid hearing any of these recordings. I would also say, based on the lyrics as posted on-line, that the writers never experienced a Rocky Mountain spring.

(I don't remember where or when
I took this shot.)
(I don't remember where or when
I took this shot.)
One way I've dealt with the situation is through photography. I've joined a group on Eons specializing in macro photography. For those of you who don't know, macro means getting up close and personal with your subject. Instead, for example, of focusing on the whole plant, you look at one blossom, or the stamens of a blossom, or one stamen in particular. One photography teacher, speaking of macro work, claims you can't get too close. Well, actually, you can. How close you get depends on your equipment. Mine allows me to get within inches of my intended subject, but I'm still working on sharp focus at that distance. I've included some of my recent attempts in this post.
The other way I'm dealing with the depression and gloom is by buying flowers for the yard and for my office. Of the ones pictured here, only the Day Lily is blooming in my yard. A perennial planted many years ago, it is one of the first to bloom. It feels a bit naughty to get down on the ground and focus on looking under this young lady's skirts, but such is the nature of the macro photographer. Last Friday, I stopped by Lowe's and was perusing the garden section when I came upon a deal I couldn't pass up. They were selling 2 gallon roses, in bud or full bloom for less than $10, buy one get one free. Two roses now sit by my back door awaiting transplant. On Saturday, I went back to buy more roses, only to find that Lowe's promotion had been so successful, all the roses were gone. I ended up buying four columbine instead. I love columbine, but I'm not altogether convinced that this is a flower. It looks so alien, especially from the side, that I fear it is some creature from outer space come to earth for some nefarious scheme.
Well, that's all for now. I didn't really have anything of importance to say, but felt the need to do some writing. Remember, all photographs can be seen full-screen in a new window if you put your mouse on the photo above and click the left button.
Pax vobiscum